2’s and 3’s Class

  • St. Mark’s Preschool 2s and 3s Class meets two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday, for 2 hours. It is a great introductory class for young children. The student to teacher ratio is 5:1 in this class.

    The main focus of this class is to teach children how to get along well with others in a classroom setting. We use curriculum from Second Step Early Learning as well as other supplemental preschool learning materials. Children are introduced to colors and shapes and a variety of themes related to the time of year.

    We use variety of dramatic play and building toys, as well as sensory objects. We sing songs, offer opportunities to do art, and engage in gross motor play daily. We also work on math concepts and participate in weekly science activities. We take 3-4 field trips a year to enhance our curriculum.

  • In general, our daily routine follows this schedule, with exceptions for field trips and special class celebrations.

    9:15 a.m. Arrival/Free Play/Art
    10:00 a.m. Music
    10:15 a.m. Snack
    10:30 a.m. Circle Time
    10:45 a.m. Outdoor/Gross Motor play
    11:15 a.m. Dismissal

  • $1700/year or 10 monthly payments of $170

    We offer a 10% tuition discount to members of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church by The Narrows

3’s and 4’s Class

  • St. Mark’s Preschool 3’s & 4’s Class meets 3 days a week, Monday/Wednesday/Friday, for 2 hours 15 minutes. The student to teacher ratio is 6:1 in this class.

    This class focuses on a different letter each week. We use the Zoo-phonics Curriculum and literature to introduce letter sounds. We use the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum to help with developing proper handwriting techniques and habits. We also use the Second Step Early Learning Curriculum and plenty of free play time to work on social skills. We make creative art projects, sing songs and learn to play and share with friends. We go to Chapel once a week where we hear stories from the Bible and learn new songs.  We do weekly science and focus on a variety of holidays throughout the year.  We take 3-4 field trips a year to enhance our curriculum.

  • In general, our daily routine follows this schedule, with exceptions for field trips and special class celebrations. Our Wednesday schedule includes chapel at 10:15 a.m.

    9:15 a.m. Circle Time
    9:30 a.m. Free Play and Art
    10:30 a.m. Snack
    10:45 a.m. Outdoor/Gross Motor Play
    11:15 a.m. Story/Music

  • $2250/year or 10 monthly payments of $250

    We offer a 10% tuition discount to members of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church by The Narrows

Pre-Kindergarten Class

  • St. Mark’s Preschool PreKClass meets four days a week, Monday – Thursday, for 2 hours and 45 minutes. This is a great class to prepare children socially, emotionally, and academically for kindergarten. Our student to teacher ratio in PreK is 8:1.

    Children engage in regular social play time, which, when paired with the Second Step Early Childhood curriculum, helps children to learn a variety of social and friendship skills. This class focuses on multiple letters each week (we cycle through the alphabet twice during the year). We use the Zoo-phonics curriculum and literature to emphasize letter recognition as well as letter sounds, which is a great way to prepare children for reading readiness. We use the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum to help with developing proper handwriting techniques and habits. Daily writing and coloring helps to enhance fine motor skills. We also count numbers up to 100, continue to recognize colors and shapes, and incorporate science throughout the week. Children get the chance to do art and music on a daily basis. We go to Chapel once a week where we hear stories from the Bible and learn new songs. We take 3-4 field trips a year to enhance our curriculum.

  • In general, our daily routine includes the following, with exceptions for field trips and special class celebrations. Our Wednesday schedule includes Chapel at 10:15am.

    9:15 a.m. Circle Time
    9:30 a.m. Free Play and Art
    10 a.m. Outdoor/Gross Motor Play
    10:30 a.m. Snack
    11 a.m. Science and Math
    11:30 a.m. Music
    11:45 a.m. Closing Circle

  • $3600/year or 10 monthly payments of $360

    We offer a 10% tuition discount to members of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church by The Narrows

Optional PreK extended class time is $10.00 per day. Our “Lunch Bunch” is 12-1 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Parents provide a lunch for their child. Parents may choose on a daily basis if they would like to have their child stay for extended time and additional costs are added to the following month’s tuition payment.

Download the 2024–2025 Pre-K Handbook here.

Statement of Purpose

St. Mark’s Preschool is a celebration of children as gifts from God. Together, children and teachers experience the joys of learning, loving and growing in a Christian environment. St. Mark’s Preschool exists for the purpose of enriching the lives and learning experiences of young children in a nurturing, stimulating, creative Christian environment. We offer a program which will provide your child with a variety of learning experiences and opportunities.

St. Mark’s Preschool provides an environment where children will:

  • feel safe and loved

  • enjoy exploration, discovery and self-expression

  • grow in confidence and self-esteem

  • experience positive attitudes toward school, teachers and learning

  • experience social, emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual development

  • participate in hands-on creative learning experiences